10/6/2023 - Bonjour. It has been an even hotter minute than last time I posted. I haven't uploaded any demos or made any new blog posts because I've taken a bit of a break from making music, and working on a big update for this website off and on. I think I'll actually have it finished within the next week or two realistically. I have been making not only music but art and want to incorporate that into this site so it serves as a digital collection of all my artistical endeavors. I also want to be a lil more consistent with the blog lol, but life does get in the way sometimes. I know I've said that my website2.0 update is coming soon but I really mean it this time O_O IT. IS. COMING. SOOOOON.

9/7/2023 - Guten Morgen. It's been a hot minute for sure. I am sorry to myself for not posing on here for a while but I just kinda got a lil bit busy. My newest piece of work is being dropped tonight at 12:00, technically friday I suppose but whatever. I am enjoying making music and experimenting with visual elements such as album covers, loops for videos, and just making things that are cool to look at. I think my style is evolving rapidly considering I only started getting down to the nitty and gritty of making visuals to go with my music about a month ago so thats good. :) I also put out a new demo on the demos page so go check it out!

8/29/2023 - WAZZZZAAPPPPP!!!! Two blog posts back to back I know it's pretty insane. I doubt anybody is even reading this besides myself when I check to see if my CSS is working fine (it isn't and I will redo my styling in the near future I promise.) However, I did upload a new demo I made today and I hope somebody out there somewhere in the great expanse of the world wide web. I had an decent day today, homework, studying, class, etc. But I am really wondering whether I should pursue music for a career choice as I am very nervous that my career in the music biz is gonna crash and burn before it even gets off the runway so I'll keep banging my head against the wall that is college I suppose. Sorry for the long post, you can check out my demo in the demos page, it would mean a lot to me :)

8/28/2023 - Hi, this is the my first blog post and the start of the website so hooray!


I made a little beat called Mindful and you can give it a spin on the demos page. I am still very much working on the website and will keep rolling out changes and styling updates as I try to nail down the look I'm going for. Nevermind all of that boring stuff tho. I put out my first beat tape about 3-ish weeks ago and you can check it on the music page.